Saturday, December 10, 2011

Africa Part II

As some of you may know, I had an amazing time in Zambia this past July.  So amazing in fact that it inspired me to go back in 2012.  I will be volunteering with a wildlife researcher with the organization Wildlife ACT from July through September.  Their website is in my "Adventure Sites" section if anyone is interested in taking a look at what they do.  They also have a FaceBook page where volunteers and staff share their stories and experiences.  Some of what I'll be assisting with includes radio telemetry of endangered species, wildlife observations, and GIS data analysis at 4 conservation areas in NE South Africa.  Due to the lack of technology in the area, I have been told I will probably be able to check-in on email and Skype about once a week when I go to the office to download data.  I created this blog and a new email address to make it easier to stay in touch once I'm over there, I may even be able to receive cell phone texts.  I hope to be able to give weekly updates with pictures so you can share this experience with me.  I'm really looking forward to this opportunity, but I hope the next 6 months don't fly by too fast :-).  Love to you all!

Cell Phone: 386-288-2794