Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On My Way!

I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance and thinking that I should be packing since I leave on Saturday at 9:41am to fly to South Africa.  It's been a dream for so long, that now that it's here it seems a little surreal. I'm sure once the jet lag sets in it next week it will feel very real :-).  So...hopefully I'll be able to be up and running on internet soon after I get there so I can keep you all up to date on my adventure and pictures. Wishing you all a great weekend and I'll be in touch soon.  Love to everyone!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Countdown: 26 days!!!!!

Plane tickets are purchased and toiletries are bought.  Trying to figure out how to fit 3 months of clothes in a 40 pound bag.  Tying up loose ends at work and making sure Eric knows how to keep the fish alive :-).  Enjoying my time with family and friends before I leave.  Next post will be the night before I leave.  Hoping to see some of these guys when I get there!